ISFiC Writers Contest

This is our annual competition for unpublished writers of science fiction and fantasy. The award is presented at Windycon, and the winning story is printed in the Windycon program book.

Submissions for the Windycon 50 contest are due no later than 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 15, 2024.


First Prize

  • $300.00
  • Windycon 51 Membership
  • Two Nights in a Double Room for Windycon 51
  • The winning story will be included in the Windycon 50 program book and archived on the ISFiC Website.

Honorable Mentions (Up to 2)

  • American 1 oz. Silver Coin

Contest Rules

The purpose of the ISFiC Writers Contest is to discover new writers. In keeping with that, all entries are expected to be the work of the author, without the use or assistance of "AI" tools. (Spelling and grammar checkers are fine.) If you have any concerns about possible violations in your work, you are advised to contact the award administrator prior to submission.

By submitting work to the ISFiC Writers Contest, you are affirming that you did not use any form of AI tools in the creation of your entry. Works found to be in violation of this requirement will be dismissed and the author banned from future participation.

How Should I Format My Entry?

How Do I Submit My Entry?

Email your entry to writers.contest at windycon dot org.


If you have any more questions about the ISFiC Writers Contest, feel free to email us at writers.contest at windycon dot org.

Winners of the ISFiC Writers Contest

The first ISFiC Writers Contest was held in 1986. Here are the winners, beginning with the most recent: